Ok! I admit it. I’m a spoiled Australian and this beach just doesn’t cut it with me. But as far as Singapore Beaches go, I guess its ok. Should you swim in it? No. Should you fish and eat from it? No. Largely to do with the highly trafficked shipping route just off-shore. So what should you do?
My Suggestions

1. Check out the weird statue of a hand vaguely pointing upwards, and come up with a story of it’s meaning because you won’t find it on the island. Leave a comment with your ideas!

2. Catch a ferry and explore some of the other islands (more on that coming soon).

3. Shop! There are lots of markets in this district with food and goods. You call this dessert Chendol, and it is cool and delicious with nommy palm sugar. I wish you could get it in Australia. 10/10 would recommend.
Getting there
Changi beach is the end of a bus line, and a relatively large interchange point so you’ll have no trouble getting there cheaply. Singapores public transport system is easy to navigate with instructions in English and an app. It’s also relatively cheap but you’ll need to get a bus card.